Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Medical Evidence Blog - Introduction and Goals

The goals of this blog are manifold. I will list a few of them below. Hopefully it will serve as a forum to discuss:

  • Emerging evidence in medicine
  • The design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of clinical trials evidence
  • Shenanigans perpetrated by investigators and pharmaceutical companies in the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of clinical trials the impetus behind which appears to be something other than a search for the truth
  • The expected impact of emerging evidence on clinical practice and patient care
  • The value of new evidence to individual patients and society
  • Underutilization of emerging and available evidence and therapies
  • Biases in the interpretation of clinical trials evidence

Given these goals, I feel compelled to admit my own potential conflicts of interest. First, my research focus is on biases in the interpretation of clinical trials evidence, and my career stands to benefit from success in this line of research. Second, I have received and continue to receive speaker fees from Eli Lilly in relation to their promotion of the drug drotrecogin-alfa.

I think the best thing to do is to just "dive in" - so for the next post I will open discussion about a recent NEJM article....


  1. May I leave you an e-mail contact me I have some data surrounding UK200ALL Childrens Cancers Trials

  2. I no longer have ANY conflicts of interest. I am not an employee of, nor do I contract with or speak for ANY company, product or other financial interest.
