Showing posts with label HARP-2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HARP-2. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Enrolling Bad Patients After Good: Sunk Cost Bias and the Meta-Analytic Futility Stopping Rule

Four (relatively) large critical care randomized controlled trials were published early in the NEJM in the last week.  I was excited to blog on them, but then I realized they're all four old news, so there's nothing to blog about.  But alas, the fact that there is no news is the news.

In the last week, we "learned" that more transfusion is not helpful in septic shock, that EGDT (the ARISE trial) is not beneficial in sepsis, that simvastatin (HARP-2 trial) is not beneficial in ARDS, and that parental administration of nutrition is not superior to enteral administration in critical illness.  Any of that sound familiar?

I read the first two articles, then discovered the last two and I said to myself "I'm not reading these."  At first I felt bad about this decision, but then that I realized it is a rational one.  Here's why.